
Eira Storrar Makepeace has documented her own family in great detail and persuaded me to make a start on our family history. She discovered the work done in South Africa by Dave Glenister. Many years ago he generously shared his research with me. Kevin Daly provided the photograph of William Daly and encouraged me further to understand the various strands of Daly in South Africa. Andrea Frank is an expert genealogist and has investigated our branch of the Daly family with keen rigour.  She has been very generous in sharing her research with me. Tanya Struwig is exploring this history for her son who is a descendant of William Daly. She is an inspiration in her keen pursuit of detail and has helped me enormously in copying material from the archives in Pretoria to resolve niggling questions.

The National Archives of South Africa is a wonderful resource and their staff in both the Pretoria and Cape Town archives have been unfailingly helpful to me.

Family members who shared the research task and contributed their own memories, and skills, are my brother and sister, Bill (Ramsay) and Karine.

James Carman put his mind to work to turn our ideas and writing into a functioning website. Thank you, James!

Unless otherwise credited, the photographs used were shared by family members and many of these were copied from family-owned photograph albums. Confusions are inevitable so if any of the photographs belong to someone else, please let me know and I will do the right thing.